The U.S. Department of Education has issued regulations implementing the provisions of the 无毒的学校 and 社区行动 Amendments of 1989. These regulations require that the University distribute the following information annually to you concerning the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs at the University. The University's policies on substance abuse and alcoholic beverages are outlined below, along with related information on University sanctions for violation of these policies; on criminal sanctions for the illegal possession or distribution of drugs and alcohol; on health risks of drugs and alcohol; and on places to get help concerning the illicit use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. 请仔细阅读这份材料. There is much information here, some of it technical, and all of it is vitally important. The University will review its alcohol and other drugs programs annually for effectiveness and consistency of application and, 在必要时, 进行适当的更改.


Concordia University takes a strong stand on substance abuse and will vigorously enforce its rules regarding alcohol and drugs. The University also supports and will cooperate with authorities of the federal government, state authorities and the City of Ann Arbor in the enforcement of public laws and regulations regarding alcohol and drugs.  Marijuana may be permissible under Michigan state law; however, 安娜堡康考迪亚大学 will not permit the use of marijuana on University property. 作为高等教育机构, 业主, 也是联邦基金的接受者, 康考迪亚大学不仅有权威, but the legal obligation to prohibit marijuana on campus and at university events.  The Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy is intended to supplement and not limit the provisions of the University's Drug-Free Workplace policy applicable to certain University employees.


Health risks

The following are summaries of the major health risks of and common symptoms associated with alcohol and other drug use and abuse. 这不是一个完整的清单,而是一个概述. Each individual will experience the effects of alcohol and other drugs in a slightly different way given his or her tolerance, body size, 家族病史, gender, 以及其他生理和心理因素. Abuse of alcohol and other drugs can lead to chemical dependency and can be harmful during pregnancy.


适量的酒精会使人头晕, 感觉迟钝的, 协调性障碍, reflexes, 记忆和判断. 酒精含量的增加会使人头晕目眩, 口齿不清, double vision, 情绪变化和, possibly, 无意识. 过量会导致死亡. 酒精会损害肝脏、心脏和胰腺. 它还可能导致营养不良, 对胃的刺激, lowered resistance to disease and irreversible brain or nervous system damage.

Symptoms: Glazed eyes, obvious odor, 皮肤苍白干燥, 面部血管破裂, 运动协调性减慢,胃增大.


Marijuana use leads to a substantial increase in heart rate. It impairs or reduces short-term memory and comprehension, and motivation and cognition are altered. 长期使用会导致偏执和精神病. Smoking marijuana damages the lungs and pulmonary system. Marijuana contains more cancer-causing agents than tobacco. 它还能降低男性性激素, 抑制排卵, and causes changes in the menstrual cycle and possibly causes birth defects.

Symptoms: Someone who uses marijuana may laugh inappropriately and have bloodshot eyes, 口及喉干, 还有毒品的气味, 时间感差,食欲增加.


Cocaine and its derivative crack produce dilated pupils and 血压升高, heart rate, 呼吸频率和体温. They may also cause insomnia, loss of appetite, tactile hallucinations, paranoia, seizure and death.

Symptoms使用可卡因的人可能会感到肌肉抽搐, 恐慌反应, anxiety, 手脚麻木, 体重减轻, 抑郁期紧跟着过度活跃的一段时期, 流鼻涕或流鼻血和持续的抑郁.


In small doses, barbiturates produce calmness, relaxed muscles and lowered anxiety. Larger doses cause 口齿不清, staggering gait and altered perception. Very large doses taken in combination with other central nervous system depressants (e.g., alcohol) cause respiratory depression, coma and sometimes death.

Symptoms: A person who uses barbiturates may have poor muscle control, 看起来昏昏欲睡或喝醉了, 成为困惑, irritable, 注意力不集中或反应迟钝.


Amphetamine use causes increased heart and respiratory rates, 血压升高, 瞳孔扩大. Larger doses cause rapid or irregular heartbeat, tremors and physical collapse. An amphetamine injection creates a sudden increase in blood pressure that can result in stroke, 高烧和心力衰竭.

Symptoms: An individual using amphetamines might begin to lose weight, 经常出汗, 显得焦躁不安, anxious, 喜怒无常,无法集中注意力. Extended use may produce psychosis, including hallucinations, delusions and paranoia.

Hallucinogens (including PCP, LSD, Mescaline, Peyote, Psilocybin) Health Risks

PCP, or angel dust, interrupts the part of the brain that controls the intellect and impulsive behavior. PCP阻断疼痛感受器. Violent episodes, including self-inflected injuries, are not uncommon. 长期服用者报告记忆丧失和语言困难. 非常大的剂量会引起抽搐, coma, 心肺衰竭, 或者脑部血管破裂. LSD、美斯卡灵、贝奥特等. 引起瞳孔放大, 体温升高, 心率和血压升高, and tremors.

Symptoms: Someone using PCP might appear moody, aggressive or violent. Such an individual may become paranoid and experience hallucinations and have time and body movements slowed. LSD users may experience loss of appetite, sleeplessness, confusion, anxiety and panic. 倒叙也可能发生.

Narcotics (including Heroin, Codeine, Morphine, Opium, Percodan) Health Risks

因为这些麻醉药通常是注射的, the use of contaminated needles may result in AIDS and hepatitis. Symptoms of overdose include shallow breathing, clammy skin and convulsions. 过量服用可能会导致昏迷甚至死亡.

Symptoms: Some signs of narcotic use are euphoria, drowsiness, constricted pupils and nausea. 其他症状包括皮肤发痒, 手臂和腿上有针状或“痕迹”, nodding, 丧失性欲和食欲. When withdrawing from the drug, sweating, cramps and nausea occur.




Location: Student Services Building, Room 115 and North Building, Room 123



Hope Clinic (不需要健康保险)

(734) 485-8725 | (734) 669-8265



地点:Albrecht 113

地点:Albrecht 111


Columbia St. 小佐基玛丽医院
13111 N. 华盛顿港路  
(262) 243-7300 

(262) 329-1000

(262) 241-8100